New series!

Luka & Léo

( Season 1 )
When it comes to curiosity Luka and Léo are as inquisitive as each other. Their mission: to answer as many questions as possible... And when they don't know the answer, they turn to the experts for their scientific expertise.

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou


Robot waiter / Music without instruments

Luka is competing against the robot BellaBot to see who'll be the best waiter. He also tries composing music using everyday objects. Meanwhile, Léo discovers how to be less stressed before sitting an exam.

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou
Synchronised swimming / Food photography

Luka slips into his swimsuit ready to join the synchronised swimmers of Team Quebec. Léo tries her hand at food photography. They also set out to answer a particularly thorny question: do zombies really exist?

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou
Crisps / Skateboarding

This week it's time for a crunch question: crisps! Luka and Léo learn how to skateboard and also discover why mosquitoes bite certain people more than others.

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou
Karate-ka / Drinking iced water

Léo breaks planks with her bare hands like a karate-ka and Luka freezes his brain with an iced drink. They also try to find out if chickens are dinosaurs.

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou
Intelligent ants / Toothbrush

Léo discovers that ants are very intelligent. Why does sweetcorn have hair? Who invented the toothbrush?

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou
Surnames / Cramp

Luka investigates the origins of his surname and discovers a magical solution for muscle cramps. Léo meets Maude Rioux, a young businesswoman who's just 14 years old.

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou
Recycling / Mountain biking

Luka investigates to find out what happens to all the waste we put in the recycling bins. Léo learns to lift her front wheel when riding a mountain bike.

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou
Spider hunt / An Olympic lunch

Léo heads off on a spider hunt. Will she manage to control her fear? Luka meets speed skater and Olympic medallist Laurent Dubreuil, to discover what he eats to be able to skate so fast.

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou
Fingerprints / How flowers reproduce

Léo discovers that everyone's fingerprints are unique and that flowers use their scent to facilitate reproduction. Luka takes a close look at anger and the mechanisms involved.

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou
Eggs / Sinking a boat

In a henhouse, Luka learns what makes an egg white or brown. Léo sinks a boat in an aquarium and visits a toilet paper factory.

Directed by: Parish (Canada, 2023)
Presented by: Éléonore Lagacé, Luka Lemay, Massi Mahiou